Open Sky House

India Retreat

General Audience

Interest Yoga, Meditation

minimum budget 80€

suggested budget 200€

India Retreat – A Pilgrimage to your Heart

Retreat in India January 2023, with Spiritual Teacher John David. The 22nd year for John David’s annual India retreat. 

• Reconnect with your inner Peace and Love

• Arunachala Mountain – one of the most powerful spiritual sanctuaries on planet earth. 

• Learn Self Enquiry – the most direct spiritual practice to come to your essence 

• Meditation, Yoga, Mantra Singing, Conversations with Spiritual Teacher John David and other Western and Indian Teachers

• The Invitation is to Be as you Are!

This Retreat can change your Life. 

More Information:

More Info:

Under 30,

Interest Yoga, Meditation

minimum budget 80€

suggested budget 200€

India Retreat 2023 – Discover Love. Fall into Silence. Come to Peace. 

With a group of like-hearted people we will travel to one of the most powerful spiritual places on planet earth: Arunachala Mountain in South India; This being the 22nd year for John David’s annual India retreat. 

On the Ashram Rooftop we will have Yoga and Meditation in the morning. Then Mantra Singing and Meetings with Spiritual Teacher John David where you can ask your most profound questions. 

John David has the ability to see where you are in your life journey and guide you into your heart. Since 25 years he dedicated his life to teaching meditation and supporting  people on the spiritual path.

This Retreat can change your Life. 

More Information:

Over 40 

Interest Yoga and Meditation

minimum budget 80€

suggested budget 200€

Jan 2023 – Three weeks retreat in South India which could change your life.

A Pilgrimage to one of the most powerful spiritual sanctuaries on planet earth. This retreat gives you the opportunity to step out of your hamster wheel.

Daily Satsang with John David, Yoga, Meditation, Mantra singing with Live Music. Visits to Ramana Ashram, Indian temples, and caves. Meetings with spiritual masters from India and the West.

We will have our own ashram and kitchen. Meet like hearted people from different countries and experience the deeply spiritual Indian culture. The 22nd year for John David’s annual India retreat. 

For questions you can contact Radha:
Whatsapp and Phone: 

Aham Sphurana

General Audience


minimum budget 80€

suggested budget 200€

The Best Guide to Self Inquiry
This book is a perfect companion to learn about Self Enquiry and understand this ancient spiritual teaching which was revived and deeply enriched by Ramana Maharshi.
In 1936 Ramana Maharshi was known in the West and many sincere spiritual seekers travelled the long and often strenuous way to India to meet this great sage. 
When meeting Ramana, they often posed advanced questions on spiritual practice and life in general. His answers are succinct and yet with unfathomable spiritual depth. At times the dialogues are even humorous.
These meetings were recorded by one of Ramana Maharshi’s closest disciples in a vivid and detailed manner. It brings you on a journey into Ramana’s Ashram and offers insights and impressions like no other book about Ramana has before. 
The Book is available on Amazon world-wide as Paperback and E-book. 
More Information:

More Info:

Under 30,

Interest Yoga, Meditation

minimum budget 80€

suggested budget 200€

Discover Love. Fall into Silence. Come to Peace. 

With a group of like minded people we will travel to one of the most powerful spiritual places on planet earth: Arunachala Mountain in south India. 

On the Ashram Rooftop we will have Yoga and Meditation in the morning. Then Mantra Singing and Meetings for Q & A with Spiritual Teacher John David. 

John David has the ability to pick you up where you are and guide you into your own heart. He shows that what we are seeking is very close indeed. 

This Retreat will change your Life. 

More Information:

Over 40 

Interest Yoga and Meditation

minimum budget 80€

suggested budget 200€

Three weeks retreat in South India which could change your life.

A Pilgrimage to one of the most powerful spiritual sanctuaries on planet earth. This retreat gives you the opportunity to step out of your hamster wheel.

Daily Satsang with John David, Yoga, Meditation, Mantra singing with Live Music. Visits to Ramana Ashram, Indian temples, and caves. Meetings with spiritual masters from India and the West.

We will have our own ashram and kitchen. John David will travel with the supportive and cheerful Open Sky House Community and Seekers from all over the world to the annual retreat. 

For questions you can contact Indira:
Whatsapp and Phone: