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Spiritual Shortfilms:
Teachings, Inspirations, Motivations
by John David
Kommende Events:
Weekly Zoom Meetings
Tuesdays 8pm from 1 April
Public Live Satsang
Every Friday from 28 March
New Book
about Self Realization
Mantra Music
with the Open Sky Band
Darkness Retreat
Centre for Inner Transformation
Upcoming Events
“It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth” .
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
A Film about the Open Sky House
An Oasis for Transformation which radiates out into the world
The Open Sky House is a Centre for Inner Transformation, a place for retreat and finding inner peace. For over 20 years, a strong energy field of Love, Silence and Creativity developed around the Satsang Teacher John David.
Developing Awareness together
Directly at the banks of the river Rhein in Hitdorf, a small village between Cologne and Düsseldorf, the Open Sky House developed in a picturesque villa from the 17th century. It is a place where people from different countries and ages can become still, in the midst of a hectic society. Together we develop awarness and connect with what is beyond thoughts and feelings: our Essence.
Awareness and Planet Earth
The Centre is for People who recognize that awareness is the requirement for inner transformation. Inner Peace is an essential contribution for the conservation of nature and peace on planet earth. Because only if we bring awareness into our everyday life can we discover that we are in reality one with everything and not seperate. And if we begin to life from this recognition, it can increasingly radiates out into society.
Who am I?
“Who am I” is the most important question in our lifes. John David, the Spiritual teacher of the Open Sky House comes from the lineage of the indian saint Sri Ramana Maharshi and his direct teacher, the Advaita Master Papaji, who both were recommending Self Enquiry with this essential question.
Living from our Essence
Meditation and the collective focus support this process of becoming more aware and help to fall deeper into silence and integrate it into our daily life. Through this, a deep process of healing begins, in which we can incerasingly live from our Essence, our innert love and peace.
“There is no Spiritual Life, There is Only Life”
~ John David
Freeing oneself from the conditioned mind
Divine Wisdom
Come into a Deep Surrender
Finding Happiness