Open Sky House

Latest Newsletter

India Retreat 2024 Aftermovie

Spiritual Shortfilms: 

Teachings, Inspirations, Motivations

 by John David

Kommende Events: 

Weekly Zoom Meetings

Tuesdays 8pm from 25 March

Public Live Satsang

Every Friday from 28 March

New Book
about Self Realization

Mantra Music

with the Open Sky Band

Darkness Retreat

Open Sky House

A modern Ashram in Germany near Cologne

Ashram germany

At the banks of the Rhein

Ashram in Germany

A Vibrant International Community

Ashrams germany

In a Beautiful 17th century Villa

Do you want to Live Spirituality in every Moment of your Life?
Instead of just talking or reading about it?
Come and visit us at Open Sky House

A Vibrant Community

Ashram in Germany
Ashram germany

At the banks of the Rhein

Ashrams germany

In a beautiful 17th century Villa


Find out who we are


How you can visit and participate

Transformation Week

Visit Open Sky House and discover how you could transform your life.

Retreats with John David

Retreats in Germany, Spain and India. A haven for Self Discovery. 

Meditation Weekends

Discover a variety of meditation practices. A step towards freedom.

Vipassana Island

Dive deep within yourself. Your Heart is calling you home. 

Spirituelle Gemeinschaft Deutschland

An International Community

Be as you are

“It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth”.                           

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Open Sky House is a spiritual community and retreat center that was founded by John David (formerly known as Premananda), a spiritual teacher and author, in Germany in 1992. The community is based on the principles of self-inquiry, meditation, creativity and spiritual growth, and it provides a supportive environment for individuals who are seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves and the nature of reality.

It is a vibrant international meeting place and we are always welcoming visitors and volunteers. 

Spirituelle Gemeinschaft Deutschland

Daily Life

Doing happens in a space of love and connection

art of living germany ashram

A supportive and nurturing environment

The Open Sky House community is a truly unique and special place that offers a supportive and nurturing environment for individuals on their inner journey to freedom. One of the most remarkable aspects of daily life in the community is the sense of warmth and connection that permeates every aspect of the communal living experience.

Residents of the Ashram in Germany come together in a spirit of openness, authenticity, and love. This sense of community creates a safe and supportive space where individuals can explore and deepen their inner work without fear of judgment or isolation.


A deep sense of belonging

The ashram in Germany also offers a wide range of practices and activities designed to support the inner journey to freedom. These include meditation, yoga, conscious communication, and other embodied practices that help individuals connect more deeply with their inner selves and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and harmony.

Perhaps most importantly, the community provides a space for individuals to connect with others who are on a similar path of self-discovery and growth. The sense of belonging and support that comes from being part of such a community can be truly transformative, helping individuals to break free from old patterns and beliefs and discover their true potential.

osho ashram germany
Spirituelle Gemeinschaft Deutschland

The Teachings

Be as you are

Germany ashram osho


The cultural and spiritual revolutionist established a radical and powerful movement for freedom last century. Osho emphasised to be fully alive in the moment, and enjoy the offerings of the world whilst developing Love and Wisdom.  

ashram germany papaji


The powerful Lion of Lucknow is famous for his ability to invoke awakening in many people who came to him in search of Freedom. His teaching was “No Teaching, No Teacher, No Student, just keep quiet”. 

ashram gemany ramana maharshi

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Sri Ramana lived his life on the holy mountain Arunachala, in South India. He is known for the practice of Self-Enquiry. According to Ramana, asking the question “Who am I?” is the most direct route to Self Realisation.

John David

Residential Spiritual Guide of the Open Sky House Community

A Multi-facetted Approach to Freedom

John David is a renowned spiritual teacher whose multi-faceted approach to freedom has helped countless people discover true liberation. With over 40 years of experience, John David combines a deep understanding of the spiritual path with a practical and down-to-earth teaching style that resonates with people from all walks of life.

Drawing from various spiritual traditions, John David’s teachings encompass meditation, self-inquiry, and embodied practices that help individuals tap into their inner wisdom and transform their lives. His approach is not limited to any particular belief system or religion, making it accessible and inclusive to everyone.

John David’s teachings are unique in their emphasis on the importance of community and connection. He believes that spiritual growth cannot be achieved in isolation and encourages his students to support one another in their journey towards freedom. This emphasis on community has created a vibrant and supportive ashram in germany, spain and ukraine and an international community of earnest seekers. 

Whether you are just starting on your spiritual path or are a seasoned practitioner, John David’s multi-faceted approach to freedom can help you discover the peace and liberation that you seek. Join the thousands of individuals who have been transformed by his teachings and discover your true potential with John David as your guide.

Spirituelle Gemeinschaft Deutschland

The Ashram

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We look forward to seeing you!

Latest Newsletter

India Retreat 2024 Aftermovie

Spiritual Shortfilms: 

Teachings, Inspirations, Motivations

 by John David

Kommende Events: 

Weekly Zoom Meetings

Tuesdays 8pm from 25 March

Public Live Satsang

Every Friday from 28 March

New Book
about Self Realization

Mantra Music

with the Open Sky Band

Darkness Retreat