Der neueste Newsletter

Indien Retreat 2024 Aftermovie

Spirituelle Kurzfilme: 

Teachings, Inspirations, Motivations

von John David

Kommende Events: 

Wöchtenliche Zoom Treffen

Donnerstags ab 20:00 Uhr

Neues Buch 

über Selbstverwirklichung

Mantra Musik

mit der Open Sky Band


Rhythm Retreat

Rhythm Workshop



21 July

Discovering the inner Rythm through different exercises

Awaken your inner rhythm

Through drumming, dancing and singing we playfully dive deeper and deeper into the energies of rhythm and feel the power released from within.
Sharing heartfelt chants, free dance and earthy rhythms
the universal energy takes over and joy and creativity bubble up! this is life!

No musical experience needed, everyone is welcome.

What you get out of the weekend 

  • Courage for creative expression. Releasing the inner power.
  • Experience how rhythms can flow into our everyday life.
  • A valuable experience of how you can surrender to the music and let it come naturally from inside

Exploring different rhythms on the percussion

Photo Gallery

Om – has been sharing his enthusiasm for music and rhythm with many people in courses, workshops and as a musician on stage for over 10 years. In addition to various musical experiences, his joy of discovery and longing for inner fulfilment has also taken him on an inner journey of discovery in which he has also engaged in theater, yoga, dance, meditation, voice and body work.
He loves to inspire people with the diversity and liveliness of music.
He has lived in the spiritual community Open Sky House for 4 years.


Arrival: from 9am 
Start: 10am
End: 7pm

95€ incl. vegetarian lunch
75€ reduced & students under 27

Overnight stay per night:
Shared room 20€
Single room 35 – 55€

Booking together with theater workshop on Sun 10th March
including overnight stay, full board and Friday evening program
Fri 6 p.m. – Sun 7 p.m
230€ standard
195€ students under 27


Tel & Whatsapp:
+49 152 22473253


The workshop will take place in the beautiful Open Sky House directly on the banks of the Rhine in Hitdorf

between Cologne and Düsseldorf

Rheinstraße 54
51371 Leverkusen

Rhythmn Workshop

21st of July with Om

Here you can register for the Drumming Workshop. We will contact you as soon as possible to clarify everything else.