Latest Newsletter

India Retreat 2024 Aftermovie

Spiritual Shortfilms: 

Teachings, Inspirations, Motivations

 by John David

Kommende Events: 

Weekly Zoom Meetings

Thursdays 8pm

New Book
about Self Realization

Mantra Music

with the Open Sky Band

Darkness Retreat

Self Inquiry

Uncover Who You Really Are

Weekend Workshop 

with Indira

25 – 27 Oct

The most important question you can ever ask yourself is “Who am I?”
Until this question is  answered through direct experience, you will always hunger for the answer.
– John David –

What is it about?

Through Meditation, Silence and Self Inquiry we step into the space of exploring our consciousness. 

Layer by Layer removing the layers of conditioned thought and emotion and the various identities that we take ourselfs to be, be arrive at the pure consciousness at the heart of our being.  

The Workshop will give you a glimpse into profound Love and Silence and a deeper understanding about the Nature of Life. 

The Self Inquiry Exercise 

Self Inquiry is a profound tool to examine this ‘I, which is illusory and the cause of all our problems.

Through this exercise over some hours with various partners we notice deeply that all answers we give to that question don`t lead us to who we really are. After some time we naturally fall deeper inside, experiencing what the question can reveal deeply inside ourselves.

Who is the workshop suitable for?

  • Are you longing for a deeper connection to your own love and an open heart?
  • Do you want to lay down the masks that you are wearing? 
  • Do you want to take your mediation practice one step further?
  • Are you longing for ultimate Freedom? 

“Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it.
What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”

– Sri Ramana Maharshi –

Indira has started her journey of Self Exploration through Authentic Theater in which she first noticed the false layers of self that we get so entangled with. By Meeting John David she quickly understood that the Nature of the Self lies underneath those layers and needs to be uncovered for true freedom to arise. 


Self Inquiry • Meditations • Mantra chanting 
Meeting with John David • Original Face

Arrival: Sunday 9 am
Start: 10 am
End: 7 pm

230€ incl. vegetarian lunch
195€ Concession
165€ students under 27

Optional: Arrival Saturday afternoon with overnight stay in a shared room, dinner and breakfast (30 € extra)


Tel & Whatsapp: +49 178 2890814


The workshop will take place in the beautiful Open Sky House directly on the banks of the Rhine in Hitdorf.

Hitdorf is located between Cologne and Düsseldorf.

Self Inquiry

25 – 27 Oct 2024 • with Indira

You can register for the Self Inquiry workshop here. We will contact you as soon as possible to clarify everything else