Open Sky House

Latest Newsletter

India Retreat 2024 Aftermovie

Spiritual Shortfilms: 

Teachings, Inspirations, Motivations

 by John David

Kommende Events: 

Weekly Zoom Meetings

Tuesdays 8pm from 1 April

Public Live Satsang

Every Friday from 28 March

New Book
about Self Realization

Mantra Music

with the Open Sky Band

Darkness Retreat

Tantra Gruppenbild

The Art of Meeting in Presence

Beginner Weekend
Conscious touch

  4 – 6 April

Advanced Weekend
Conscious touch

     23 – 25 May

The Art of Meeting in Presence

20 July

Taster Day

20 July

The Art of Meeting in Presence

A conscious encounter: feel what happens

What is it about?

Immerse yourself in the world of tantra with an empathetic experience day that will give you unique experiences.

In this one-day workshop, you can expect gentle and playful exercises that will enable you to explore your boundaries and overcome your fears of an authentic connection with others and your innermost self.

You will learn in a playful way what you need to enjoy encounters and sensuality and to open yourself to the magic of the moment.

No previous experience is necessary. This workshop is without undressing

Who is the workshop suitable for?

  • Are you longing for a deeper connection to your own love and an open heart?
  • Do you want to be more authentic in your encounters with others?
  • Do you realize that there is more potential for intimacy, but don’t know how to discover it?
  • Singles, couples, curious people

Radha with workshop participant


Arrival: Sunday 9 am
Start: 10 am
End: 7 pm

110€ incl. vegetarian lunch
85€ students under 27

Optional: Arrival Saturday afternoon with overnight stay in a shared room, dinner and breakfast (30 € extra)


Tel & Whatsapp:
+49 174 464 6799


The workshop will take place in the beautiful Open Sky House directly on the banks of the Rhine in Hitdorf.

Hitdorf is located between Cologne and Düsseldorf.

Taster Day

20 July • with Radha

You can register for the tantra workshop here. We will contact you as soon as possible to clarify everything else.

Conscious Touch

4 – 6 April

Welcome to a weekend that invites you
to experience a deeper encounter with yourself.

Discover the joy of touch and encounters

Authentic encounter

Immerse yourself in a protected space that gives you the opportunity:

  • Grow at your own pace and open up,
  • Recognize and set your limits,
  • Discover the joy of movement and dance,
  • Explore the subtle dynamics between closeness and distance in encounters with others to develop a deeper understanding of your relationships,
  • Build authentic contact with your inner self as well as with your fellow human beings
  • To experience loving and mindful touch

New horizons

This weekend promises new experiences through a combination of encounters, touch, meditation and massage.

Here your heart opens and you come into contact with your own inherent love.

In an atmosphere of acceptance and openness, I invite you to experience this path of self-exploration and personal development. Look forward to a weekend that not only opens up new horizons, but also creates a space in which you can discover and develop your inner resources.

I look forward to experience this transformative weekend together with you. ♥

Connect deeply with the transformative energy of the heart


Arrival: Friday afternoon from 5 pm
Start: Friday 7 pm with dinner together
End: Sunday approx. 6 pm
(those who wish can stay for dinner


280€ incl. accommodation and food
220€ reduced
190€ students under 27


Tel & Whatsapp:
+49 174 464 6799


The workshop will take place in the beautiful Open Sky House directly on the banks of the Rhine in Hitdorf.

Hitdorf liegt zwischen Köln und Düsseldorf.

Tantra Weekend

4 – 6 April

You can register for the tantra workshop here. We will contact you as soon as possible to clarify everything else.

About Radha

I am happy to share my experiences of meeting in presence and offer a safe space where everyone can learn the beautiful art of true intimacy.
Through many years of experience with tantra, tantra massages, yoga and meditation, I can sensitively and empathetically guide everyone into a deeper connection with themselves and others.
